Friday, July 11, 2014

An Endless Parade of Liberal Horribles

It’s astonishing.  I come home from work, kick off my shoes, pop a beer, turn on the news, and watch an endless, liberal parade of horribles march across my television screen.  The aristocratic nature of our central government and the concomitant abuses by a contemptuous bureaucracy should outrage any American; but, to watch the evisceration of our borders and sovereignty is jaw dropping.

Governments and religious organizations, particularly the Catholic Church, are colluding to traffic illegal aliens to and in the United States.  It has been reported presidents of Guatemala and Mexico have made an agreement to grant 72 hour passes to citizens of Central American countries so they can make it to the U.S. border.  

The Obama administration is in on this trafficking scheme.  They advertised to contract their own coyotes back in January, and have asked dioceses to house illegals on the low-down.  The transnationalist in the Obama administration tried to hide their nefarious activities to no avail.

We have come to a tipping point.  We cannot have a mass of humanity invade this country without consequence.  Diasporas are the end result.  These people will not assimilate.  They will not become Americans.  They will join others who resent this country.  They will create a great leveling.  The end result is a third-world status.

When the Huns invaded Europe, they pushed Germanic tribes into the Roman Empire.  The end result was dissolution of Rome and the advent of the Dark Ages. 


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