Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Obama Awards No-Bid Contract to Crony.

It seems Obama broke another campaign promise by awarding a no-bid contract to a consulting firm. Checchi & Co. Consulting Inc is to receive about $25 million for "rule of law stabilization services" in Afghanistan.

USAID posted the contract on its website on Jan 4, 2010. The administrator of USAID admitted that their was a waiver established for Checchi. There are many other companies who provide the exact same services and were excluded from the process.

Checci donated close to the maximum amount to Obama, and has made donations to the Democratic National Committee, activist organizations such as MoveOn.org and ACT Blue. Checci also donated to other democratic candidates as well.

I guess Obama's "hope and change" promises were just a bunch of bunk. I'm not surprised. Are you?



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