Tuesday, February 16, 2010

GOP Meets With Tea Partiers

The Republican National Committee Chairman, Michael Steele is meeting with a group of tea party representatives. He is meeting with these grassroots activist to listen to their grievances that have come to the boiling point over the past year.

Karin Hoffman, founder of DC Works for Us, organized the event in which approximately 50 participants arrived at the Capitol. Others refused to attend for fear that the GOP might try and co-opt the movement.

Steele addressed the crowd:

“I thank members of the Tea Party movement and other concerned citizens for putting together this meeting and taking the time to speak with me,” he added. “We share a common purpose in stopping President Obama’s agenda and standing up for principles such as smaller government, lower taxes, free enterprise, and the Constitution. Moving into the midterm elections this fall, I look forward to continuing to build on this discussion and to work to elect officials who will fight to protect the principles which they and a majority of Americans support.”Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0210/33056.html#ixzz0flTIGnfU

Apparently, the GOP is concerned that the activist might try and undermine republican incumbents or the party bosses favorite pick in the primaries. New York's 23rd district comes to mind when the powers that be picked Dede Scozzafava, and party leaders such as Newt Gingrich endorsed her. It led to an uproar. Eventually Scozzafava quit and then backed the democratic nominee, who ended up winning. What an embarrassment.

The problem with the GOP is that they will make compromises just to win. That's why they are riddled with RINO's: Arlen Specter, Lincoln Chafee, Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, Richard Burr, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Mel Martinez, etc...etc...

Some of these scoundrels jumped to the other party; others flirted with it. But for the most part they just leech off of the coffers, making all sorts of promises to conservatives during election time then stab them in the back after they get re-elected.

Senator Richard Burr is a McCain acolyte. During the amnesty cloture vote, Burr's office was inundated with calls and emails begging him not to vote for it. He wet his finger and put it in the air to see how the political winds would blow, before he finally voted against it. It should have been a no brainer.

So if Chairman Steele believes he can co-opt this movement; he's got another think coming.

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