Monday, March 22, 2010

The Fight is Engaged! We Shall Overcome!

The Democrats trampled upon the Constitution last night. The fight is engaged! And we the American people shall overcome!

We should not look upon this with apprehension; but rather with an opportunity that would not have come with John McCain as president of the United States. The Democrats have shown their true character, and it is blazoned with the hammer and sickle.

All the Progressive victories are on the table now. The 16th and 17th amendment should be debated and repealed. This has to be accomplished in order to take away the power from the central government and give it back to the states as our founding fathers meant it to be.

The tenth amendment is making a resurgence. When the mid-term election comes in November, we must make sure that those we put in office are dedicated to the principles that have ensured our God given rights; and not manufactured, government handouts . No more RINO's!

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