Wednesday, March 3, 2010

'Grass Roots' Coffee Party is Astroturf

Here we go again. The ‘Grassroots’ Coffee Party movement has been exposed as an Obama front group; in Nancy Pelosi terms: Astroturf. Annabelle Park was portrayed in the New York Times and the Washington Post as an ordinary, concerned citizen who decided to become an organizer in response to the success of the tea parties.

Park was disturbed by the rhetoric and hostility that ordinary citizens were displaying to the democratic agenda. She wanted to emphasize that we are a democracy that unites us; that we need to be one community; that we need to be respectful and civil to one another and our elected officials. She believes that a vibrant federal government works for the common good.

A common error that socialist like Annabelle Park makes is that we are a democracy. No we are not! We are a constitutional republic. There is a huge difference between the two. It is an error that has provided serious consequences to our liberty and property. It is an error that undermines the tenets of our Constitution. Our founding fathers would be appalled.

The Washington Post and the New York Times failed to report that Annabelle Park was a former strategy analyst at the New York Times, who was an organizer and operator of the United for Obama video channel at YouTube.

Ms. Park’s goal was to undermine the Tea Partiers by co-opting the movement, as described in Newsbusters:

As to Park herself, she was a bit more than disingenuous when she made a claim of solidarity with the Tea Party movement:

“We’re not the opposite of the Tea Party,” Ms. Park, 41, said. “We’re a different model of civic participation, but in the end we may want some of the same things.”

Unfortunately her own words on
Twitter belie her phony claim:

Are we going to sit & watch the tea party take our government & media? Come on! That's inexcusable. Get off of your butt.

we must deal with reality instead of indulging the paranoid fantasies of the
#teaparty. join #coffeeparty

we're not going to take this tea crap anymore. let's work for change! #coffeeparty

Is there no low that these people will not sink too? They try to infiltrate conservative talk radio and now this. What could possibly be next?


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