Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Amnesty for Illegals Again!!

Barack Obama contacted newly elected senator, Scott Brown soliciting his support for a bill that will grant amnesty to illegals. Senator Brown reported to the Wall Street Journal:

“He called me originally about illegal immigration, something that he wanted me to look at that was coming down the pike,” Brown says of the call, which also roamed onto other topics like basketball and financial regulation. “I told him and others that I will read anything and make a judgment when it comes forth.”

Alluding to the issue a few minutes later, Brown clarified what he told Obama. “When I said I have an open mind, it means I have an open mind to read the bill,” he said. “That doesn’t mean that I will vote for granting amnesty to anyone. But I want to be respectful to the president and to any member who brings me a proposal.”

This issue turned the country upside down a couple of years ago and yet these people don't care. They are going to shove amnesty down our throats just like they did with the so-called health care reform bill.

The two dirt bags who are carrying the water on this issue is no other than Chucky Schumer and the ever disappointing South Carolinian, Senator Lindsey Graham.

John McCain has stated he will oppose any legislation that will award amnesty to illegals. If this weren't an election year he would be right there with his little toadie Graham giving the American people the finger.

Source: http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2010/04/20/next-up-obama-calls-sen-scott-brown-about-immigration/

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