Sunday, April 4, 2010

Mom Teaches Son to be a Pansy

I've seen this commercial I don't know how many times. It was just recently that I began to pay attention to it, and I'm appalled. This mother is teaching her son to be a quitter.

The first scene is the boy running with a football. He gets knocked down, and what does his mother say? "Maybe baseball is your game." Instead of showing her son how to evade or run through a tackle she just gives up. A father wouldn't have given up. He would have shown him the proper technique.

The second scene is the boy throwing an errant baseball; again the mother quits. A father wouldn't have said that's it. He would have taken the time to show him the proper way to throw. And it goes on and on, until finally the boy is dressed in a bow tie singing in a choir.

The mother has just turned her son into a pansy. That's what the real message of this commercial should be entitled.

George Will had written a column about men and the making of modern immaturity. Well if this commercial is any indication of what has happened to the male gender; it's called feminizing by single mothers.

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