Thursday, April 29, 2010

S.W.A.T. Team Confronts Tea Partiers

A S.W.A.T. team was sent out to confront tea party protesters. Apparently, some official thought the community organizer in chief was in a life threatening situation from the Geritol crowd.

These geezers armed with walkers, canes and Metamucil were confronted with a wall of armed professionals who know how to stop an octogenarian with an oxygen tank. I don't know how Barack Obama deals with the threats from these people who are obviously a threat to society. Did you get a look at that one Grandma? Wow...she was scary. Whatever you do, don't eat any of her cookies!

I'm glad we use the resources of these professionals on crowds who obviously have such pent up rage. Hell, they might have went on a frenzied killing spree; those knitting needles are deadly.

I wonder why the tea partiers can't act like these All-American citizens who respect the laws of our nation:

And let's not forget the exemplary conduct of these protesters:

Here are some more pictures of rabid tea partiers:

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