Monday, April 12, 2010

Utah Exercises Eminent Domain on Federal Land

The sleeping giant has awaken and we want to know what in the hell happened to the 10th amendment. After passage of Obamacare, the states are exerting their rights as defined in our Constitution. State attorneys from around the country are lining up to contest this monstrosity.

Utah is taking a bigger step to exert its authority. In 1996 Bill Clinton used an executive order to confiscate millions in acres of land that belonged to the state of Utah. He did so on the eve of an election in order to satisfy the environmental nut jobs that infest the democrat party.

In 2008 President George W. Bush authorized gas and oil exploration, only to have Barack Obama reverse that decision. Currently the federal government owns 60% of the land in Utah by fiat.

A Utah congressman sounded the clarion call that the Obama administration is again going to declare more land as a national monument. The state legislature has had enough of these abuses and declared eminent domain over land that currently is held by the feds.

Governor Gary Herbert supports the concept of eminent domain but doubts it would survive in court. He announced that he will meet with the Secretary of the Interior.

Many believe that a federal court will trample all over Utah’s rights; and history has proven that to be correct. Whatever the courts decide the states must assert their constitutional rights and that ultimately means NULLIFICATION.


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