Sunday, May 23, 2010

Global Cooling for the Next Two to Three Decades

Dr. Dan Easterbrook, Emeritus Professor at Western Washington University, warns that we are now in a global cooling period that started in 1998. He also warns that such a period would have an adverse effect upon agricultural output due to shorter growing seasons. As reported by Newsmax:

“This is already happening in the Midwestern U.S., China, India, and other places in the world. Hardest hit will be third world countries where millions are already near starvation levels.”
Cooling will also lead to an increase in per capita energy demands, especially for heating.

“World population is projected to reach more than 9 billion by 2050, an increase of 50 percent,” Easterbrook pointed out. “This means a substantial increase in demand for food and energy at a time when both are decreasing because of the cooling climate.”

Among Dr. Easterbrook’s conclusions:

“Numerous, abrupt, short-lived warming and cooling episodes, much more intense than recent warming/cooling, occurred during the last Ice Age, none of which could have been caused by changes in atmospheric CO2.

“Climate changes in the geologic record show a regular pattern of alternate warming and cooling with a 25-30-year period for the past 500 years . . .

“Expect global cooling for the next 2-3 decades that will be far more damaging than global warming would have been.”

Somebody had better tell the geniuses in the Democratic Party. I don't believe windmills, and solar panels are going to meet our energy needs. But then again, they will just dismiss this professor as a tool for the oil, gas and coal industry. Besides this guy isn't even a climatologist. How can anyone take him seriously?


1 comment:

  1. I agree and have also posted this on my blog:

    Better get those thermal undies out... they will blame frostbite next!

    Dr. Don Easterbrook, Professor of Geology at Western Washington University in Bellingham, WA. Has a very different point of view.

    "You thought last winter was bad? Wait until this winter,"

    "Expect global cooling for the next 2-3 decades that will be far more damaging than global warming would have been," says Easterbrook. "Twice as many people are killed by extreme cold than by extreme heat."
