Monday, May 24, 2010

North Carolina Democrats Attend Charlotte Convention

Democrats held a three-district convention in Charlotte last Saturday. The big event drew a "crowd" of about 150 people, so describes a reporter from the Charlotte Observer. Isn't it funny that less than a couple of hundred at a Democratic function is a crowd, but a couple of thousand who attend a tea party is a small gathering? You've got to love those unbiased reporters at the Disturber.

The candidates for the Democratic nomination for the U.S Senate attended the "massive" gathering of self-loathing Americans. Cal Cunningham and Elaine Marshall will face a runoff on June 22; the winner will face incumbent Richard Burr. The two were cordial to one another, while saving their criticism for Burr.

Elaine Marshall stated, "We need somebody who'll stand up to the status quo."

Are you kidding me? The status quo is the Democratic Party platform! It is the Democrats who are in charge for crying out loud! It is the Democrats who are shoving their socialist agenda down our throat! YOU ARE THE STATUS QUO!!

Cal Cunningham declared, "We're going to have to teach a little driver's ed this fall. For the country to move forward, it needs to move the gearshift to "D"- for Democrats, instead of staying stuck in reverse like the Republicans."

Isn't that cute? What witticism. I wonder how long it took him to think of that line. I'm shocked that he's not a writer for Jay Leno. I've got news for Mr. Cunningham – we have been in "D"rive for a while now. And you guys are driving us off the cliff into a Grecian chasm of indebtedness. Your damn right we need to go into "R"everse. We need to get back to our founding and the Constitution of the United States.

The Charlotte Observer further reports:

Both candidates said they support some collective bargaining for public employees and favor alternative energy sources such as wind and solar power. They both decried Arizona's new immigration law.

Government employees make more than workers in the private sector. Why would we want to give them more power than what they already have? Do we really need more union members who roll up onto private citizens homes and terrorize their teenage children like SEIU did to a Bank of America executive? Aren't endless hours of surfing porn at the taxpayer's expense payment enough?

These two idiots also have a problem with Arizona's immigration law, which mirrors our national law. I wouldn't doubt that these two jerks would've applauded Mexico's President, who lectured us on the floor of our own house. Do we really want one of these guys representing the state of North Carolina?

Convention delegate Mary Cridlebaugh of Davidson County said of Cunningham, "He has potential for national leadership – Franklin D. Roosevelt-type leadership."

Mary Cridlebaugh needs a history lesson. Franklin D. Roosevelt trampled all over our Constitution. He treated the law of our land like a Mexican Federal Officer treating a young Honduran girl, who entered their country illegally. He raped it; and then hung the countries soiled panties, on a limb of the Liberty Tree, as a trophy.




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