Saturday, June 5, 2010

Barack Obama: America's Nero

Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus is probably the most infamous narcissist in the world. Emperor Nero allegedly played the lyre while Rome burned. He then needed a scapegoat to deflect the populaces’ anger over his incompetence. The Christians were an easy target, and Nero persecuted them. The world’s “greatest artist” used these pious people as human torches; and for Rome's amusement used them as fodder in the arena.

Barry Soetoro Barack Hussein Obama the world’s second most infamous narcissist had the following schedule while millions of gallons of oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico:

• Two days of media events (White House Correspondents Dinner and a tĂȘte a tĂȘte with Bono)
• Three days of fundraising
• Four commemorations (graduations, Cinco de Mayo, etc)
• Six days of vacation
• Six days of campaigning
• Six sports events

And to top it off, he sang Hey Jude with Paul McCartney at the White House:

In the meantime the Governor of Louisiana is coming up with solutions that would help save the wetlands. The only problem he has is getting permission from federal bureaucrats to implement these ideas.

What response did Governor Jindal get from Barry Soetoro Barack Hussein Obama? BP is at fault and they will be held responsible for this disaster. That’s it? Oh, and he’s sending the justice department to the Gulf for further review. Wow! Don’t hold the Community Agitator back! This is a man of action!

This is what happens when power resides in a central authority. Men are rendered hapless, waiting for permission from an inept bureaucrat; in the meantime their livelihood and homes are being destroyed due to a lack of action.


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