Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Illegals Protest in Downtown Raleigh, North Carolina

Three illegal aliens are on a hunger strike in downtown Raleigh, North Carolina. They want Senators Hagan and Burr to pass an amnesty for illegals bill. The three came into the United States when they were children, and now feel entitled to make demands upon our elected officials.

The NewsObserver reports:

All three women, who are part of the N.C. Dream Team, a group formed this spring that is pushing for the act's passage, freely admit they are living in the country illegally from overstaying travel visas, as Martinez and Silva's families did, or by entering illegally, as Lopez did when she was a young teenager. They say they're angry and frustrated at the barriers in U.S. immigration laws that leave them with slim chances of going to college or getting jobs other than under-the-table work.

Notice their concerns are about benefiting off of the system.

"What brings us together is the need for us to be recognized as humans," Martinez said. "We live in the shadows."

You're living in the shadows? You are protesting in a public square! You have gone to our public schools and used services paid for by taxpayers. That's an awful small shadow.

All three graduated from North Carolina high schools. Martinez and Silva want to go to one of the state's public colleges but can't come up with the out-of-state tuition they'd have to pay.

So, it's all about not being able to afford college. And don't forget eligibility for federal loans and grants.

In their protest site near the state legislature, U.S. flag marks the entrance to one of the tents and Lopez's degrees from Alamance Community College and UNC-Chapel Hill are on a table serving as the women's command center.

Lopez, who left Mexico City with her mother and siblings because her mother wasn't making enough to feed her family, attended school with the help of an anonymous benefactor. Now, with a biology degree from UNC and as a mother herself, Lopez wants to put her degree to work in research but can't get a job without a valid Social Security number.

"I've graduated and I can't use them," Lopez said, gesturing to her two biology degrees.

You can use them. Go back to Mexico and become a productive citizen of your country. And later on if you want to become an American, go through the process. Take your pity party elsewhere.


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