Wednesday, July 7, 2010

House Democrats Abdicate Constitutional Responsibility

It never fails. Whenever a holiday weekend comes up, you can expect the Obama administration or Congress to try and sneak something past the American people. The House of Representatives did just that last week.

The House was supposed to provide a budget. It was due back in April, but the overindulgent spending by the democrats was so daunting that the majority was afraid to pass a traditional budget; instead they passed a "budget enforcement resolution". All republicans including 38 democrats voted against it.

Rep. John Spratt (D) of South Carolina stated the following:

“While this resolution does not project the budget out over five years, it does look to the future by assuring that the House will have an opportunity to vote this year on longer-term budget proposals made by the president’s Fiscal Commission and approved by the Senate,” said House Budget Committee Chairman John Spratt (D-S.C.).

So the executive branch is taking over the duties of Congress? The House of Representatives is supposed to control the purse strings. And the democrats were worried about an imperial presidency under Bush? Where is the screaming and hollering from the left?

Rep. Paul Ryan (R) of Wisconsin stated his disgust:

“Facing a record deficit and a tidal wave of debt, House Democrats decided it was politically inconvenient to put forward a budget and account for their fiscal recklessness,” said Rep. Paul Ryan (Wis.), the top Republican on the House Budget Committee. “With no priorities and no restraints, the spending, taxing, and borrowing will continue unchecked for the coming fiscal year."

This is the first time since 1976 that the House failed to provide a budget, and that year Jimmy Carter was elected. If the democrats believe that hiding their irresponsible spending is going to save their asses in November, they've got another think coming.


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