Friday, August 13, 2010

Reps. Larry Kissell and John Spratt are Hiding from Voters

Reps. Larry Kissell of N.C. 8th District and John Spratt of S.C. 5th District voted to bailout the Democratic Party's biggest supporters:  the Teacher's Union.  H.R. 1586 passed with 245 democrats and 2 republicans in the affirmative.

This bill is shameless in that the taxpayers are indirectly funding the democratic campaign coffers for the fall election.  The Teacher's Union is a notoriously leftist organization and a big contributor to the Democratic Party.

The one group of people who are going to suffer is the poor.  Over 41 million Americans depend on food stamps.  H.R. 1586 takes $10 billion from this program and redirects it to the unions.

In the meantime both Kissell and Spratt are hiding from their constituents.  They've not scheduled any townhall meetings in the summer recess.  With their voting records, I wouldn't want to face the "angry mob" either.


1 comment:

  1. The "angry mob" is Teapublican and wouldn't vote for them on a good day.
    Offering yourself to an opponent so the opponent can use the venue for protest and media coverage would play into their obvious strategy.
