Saturday, September 4, 2010

Senator Lindsey Graham Meets With Tea Partiers

Senator Lindsey Graham had a closed door meeting with a group of South Carolina tea partiers.  Many are disturbed by his advocacy for progressive issues such as climate change, amnesty for illegal aliens; and voting for Obama's radical supreme court nominees.

Grahmnesty is running scared and hoping a preemptive strike will placate the conservatives who have cast a suspect eye on the errant politician.  The Patriots in the palmetto state are looking for a challenger and Graham knows it.  His 58-42% win in 2008 means nothing in this political climate.  Incumbent RINO's have lost in this years primaries; even John McCain ran to the right of Barry Goldwater, so as not to be humiliated in his bid for another term.

Senator Graham acknowledges that conservatives have a right to disagree on issues that he advocates; but that is reciprocal:

"If you can't accept me pushing back, then our party does have a problem. It's OK for you to push back against me, but it's OK for me to push back against you," Graham said on WTMA radio in South Carolina, where he received a grilling over his record. "You may not like my political style of trying to find compromise on the big issues of our time, but I think it's the heart and soul of what makes America great."

What makes America great Senator is the Constitution of the United States; not your compromises on the great issues of the day.

It must really irk Senator Lindsey Graham to answer to all of the bigots who disagree with him on his voting record.  I'm sure the Progressive Caucus and La Raza will stroke his bruised ego. 


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