Sunday, September 12, 2010

United Nations Conspires to Take Over the World

The top brass of the United Nations held a secretive, heavily guarded meeting in a luxurious, Austrian Alpine retreat.  The goal of this cabal:  World Governance.  U.N. Secretary General Ben Ki-Moon and sixty of his conspirators outlined a plan to circumvent national sovereignty and control the world's agenda. 

The following topics were discussed as reported by Fox

-- how to restore “climate change” as a top global priority after the fiasco of last year’s Copenhagen summit;

-- how to continue to try to make global redistribution of wealth the real basis of that climate agenda, and widen the discussion further to encompass the idea of “global public goods”;

-- how to keep growing U.N. peacekeeping efforts into missions involved in the police, courts, legal systems and other aspects of strife-torn countries;

-- how to make “clever” use of new technologies to deepen direct ties with what the U.N. calls “civil society,” meaning novel ways to bypass its member nation states and deal directly with constituencies that support U.N. agendas.

Climate change was always a means to an end.  The exposure of this fabricated crisis sidelined the aspirations of these want-to-be global tyrants.  A whole system of redistribution of wealth, food, and other resources has been thrown out the window; more insidious is the planning of global police and a court system that would supersede national sovereignty.

And if that isn't enough they also have designs on our financial institutions:

The U.N. bosses also need to make sure that the institution sits at top tables where the world’s financial decisions are made. It is “urgent to secure U.N. participation” at regular meetings of the G-20 finance ministers and their deputies,” according to one of the papers, a group that the U.N. Secretariat, based in New York City and Geneva, does not interact with very much.

That observation ties into another Alpbach theme: pushing global financial regulation even further.

The United Nations is a threat to the United States and this meeting is proof positive.


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