Wednesday, November 3, 2010

D.C. Bureaucrats Committing Voter Fraud

Washington D.C. bureaucrats are committing voter fraud. They live and work in the nation’s capitol, yet they vote in states where they do not reside, as reported by the Associated Press:

Washington may be a home for some city dwellers, but it isn't where their vote will count during Tuesday's midterm elections. Some residents eligible to vote in the city choose to vote in another place they have a tie to, saying one reason not to vote in Washington is it would mean giving up their vote in Congress.

People who live in the nation's capital can vote for president and local offices like mayor. But they have no senators representing them, and their one House member can't vote on the House floor. Close races in November are virtually unheard of in the overwhelmingly Democratic city. So some of the city's 600,000 residents go out of their way to vote somewhere they think they can make more of a difference. It may seem like manipulating the system - but it can be legal, depending on a person's circumstances and the laws in the states where they vote.

"I can't think of any of my friends who vote in D.C.," said Kathleen Danielson, 22, who graduated from George Washington University earlier this year and now lives in the city's Columbia Heights neighborhood, about two miles from the White House

I have an easy way of dealing with these people: if you are a government worker, and dependent on taxpayer's money, you shouldn't be allowed to vote.  Public employee unions cause chaos when they don't get their way, just take a look at California.  That state is bankrupt and one of the main causes is the bloated health and pension benefits for government workers.

If you are on the public dole, you forfeit your right to vote. That is the only way to ensure we don’t become another France or Greece.

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