Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Democrats Need A Clockwork Orange Rehab

If you don't think government regulations and taxes don't have an influence on businesses, then you need to watch this video.  Better yet, we should pull a "Clockwork Orange" on Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the leftist nut jobs in Washington D.C.  Maybe then, they'll begin to understand the consequences of their actions.

I cannot think of a better movie that best describes the Democratic Party.  They are a bunch of dick-faced bullies that are invading our homes and businesses; destroying property ownership and prosperity. 

These people are clueless narcissist waving their "junk" in our face.  You would've thought they could have bought a clue from the shellacking they received in the last election; but hell no.  They voted Princess Pelosi as minority leader.  Here is a San Franciscan accustomed to wearing a strap on and giving it to the American people.

I believe a straight jacket, eye opening clamps, Visine, and an instructional video would go along way to rehabilitating these socialist reprobates into accepting what makes America great:  Limited Government, Capitalism and the Free Market.

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