Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Senator Burr Votes to Gay Up the Military

Senator Burr sent a shockwave throughout North Carolina. He was one of eight Republicans who voted to repeal “don’t ask, don’t tell”, effectively legalizing homosexuality in the armed forces.

I like many others were blindsided by Burr’s vote, and many conservatives are not happy with his decision. Mecklenburg County Commissioner, Jennifer Roberts (D) wanted to send a thank you letter on behalf of the board, but GOP members stated that she doesn’t speak for them. Bill James was the most outspoken of all of them:

"I think there are a lot of things that people of all political stripes tolerate from their politicians," James said. "But endorsing immorality and allowing military recruits to be preyed on by homosexuals is not one that I will tolerate."

Sen. Richard Burr was just re-elected and will not have to worry about the consequences of his votes until 2016. He like all senators is super-legislators and they don’t have to worry about the thoughts of their constituents until election time. He and Kay Hagan can piss down our backs all day without any consequence. That is why we need to repeal the Seventeenth Amendment. When senators vote against the interest of their state and constituents, we can have a mechanism to recall them. Until that time comes, we can expect more dumbass legislation such as this.


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