Saturday, December 4, 2010

Senator Claire McCaskill Champions Torches and Pitchforks

Senator Claire McCaskill has the audacity to lecture us on who is responsible for the huge budget deficit and monstrous debt that has accrued in Washington D.C. She portrays herself as the champion of the middle class, when in fact she and her democratic colleagues are the ones who have brought this country’s economy to its knees.

I find it funny that she goads us into bringing out the torches and pitchforks against the Republicans, when it almost happened to her at a town hall meeting in St. Louis:

Why would the Democrats parade out a woman that her constituents don’t even trust? I guess the credibility bench is mighty thin for the jackasses.

I agree that the Republican Party has done its share of damage, but the tea partiers are dealing with these RINO’s one by one. No one should consider their seat safe but, sadly to say I don’t believe it will be enough.

Our founding fathers were right about the dispersal of power. I believe this country erred with the passage of the 17th Amendment. If we are to have any control over Washington D.C. we must begin with giving power back to the states where our local representatives can control these super-legislators. Otherwise they’ll bankrupt us and the states with their unfunded mandates and ridiculous tax codes.

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