Sunday, January 23, 2011

Republicans Played for Chumps Again!!

The elections this past November was a mandate for Republicans to go to Washington D.C. and do battle with the Progressives. They were not sent there to hold hands and sing Kumbaya during the State of the Union Address. The Democrats have played their political foes for a bunch of chumps.

How many times do we conservatives have to put up with this “Let’s get along” and “We must work together" crap? The reason the country’s finances are in such a mess is because there has been too much “getting along” between the two parties.

What are the Republicans going to do when their date pulls a Jack in the Box episode, like Nancy Pelosi? Are they going to sit on their hands? No, they will fall prey to the machinations of their bench buddy and pop up and down right along with their dates.

Why is it that we “little people” can see this nonsense for what it is, and the professional politicians can’t?

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