Thursday, January 27, 2011

Senators to Submit Anti-Anchor Baby Bill

Two republican senators are going to introduce a bill that will finally ban citizenship rights to illegal alien children born on U.S. soil. All Americans are wondering why this common sense law hasn’t been implemented years ago. Anchor babies have been a bane to states and local communities. It is also immoral to politically separate a child from his parents.

The Hill Reports the following:

Rand Paul (Ky.) and David Vitter (La.) are introducing a resolution this week that would amend the Constitution so that a person born in the United States could only become an American citizen if one or more of his or her parents is a legal citizen, legal immigrant or member of the armed forces, according to a joint press release Thursday.

Vitter said the legislation would help reduce illegal immigration.

“For too long, our nation has seen an influx of illegal aliens entering our country at an escalating rate, and chain migration is a major contributor to this rapid increase – which is only compounded when the children of illegal aliens born in the U.S. are granted automatic citizenship,” Vitter said. “Closing this loophole will not prevent them from becoming citizens, but will ensure that they have to go through the same process as anyone else who wants to become an American citizen.”

Paul said the legislation enforces the current immigration rules.

"Citizenship is a privilege, and only those who respect our immigration laws should be allowed to enjoy its benefits," Paul said. "This legislation makes it necessary that everyone follow the rules, and goes through same process to become a U.S. citizen."

We now have to pass a Constitutional amendment because a handful of judges misinterpreted the 14th amendment. If this ever passes, you can bet some dumb ass judge will say this constitutional amendment is unconstitutional.


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