Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Princess Pelosi Proclaims Republicans Hate Women, Children and Little Puppies Too!

Princess Pelosi donned her crown and took to the House floor to admonish Speaker Boehner and those dastardly Republicans for their draconian budget cuts. Her Majesty pointed a crooked finger and stated that Republicans want to ‘deprive women of primary care when it comes to health and education. Republicans put women and children last.’

I find that laughable. Her party is the one who puts women and children last. Does anyone remember the ACORN scandals and the latest from those baby lovers at Planned Parenthood? These two organizations are huge Democratic supporters and provide pro bono legal advice to teenage sex slavers. I wouldn’t doubt that they participate in black market bestiality and snuff films too.

Pelosi then went on a rant about Republicans not presenting a responsible plan for addressing the deficit. Are you kidding me? She didn’t even provide a budget last year, and she is going to lecturer Boehner! I believe the princess is actually a prince. Somebody should check her jockstrap.

Pelosi, the patron saint of government employees, went berserk after hearing Boehner state that her sacred cow was about to get slaughtered:

"Over the last two years since President Obama has taken office, the federal government has added 200,000 new federal jobs and if some of those jobs are lost in this, so be it," Boehner said during a news conference with reporters at the Republican National Committee. "We're broke! It's time for us to get serious about how we're spending the nation's money."

"Democrats do not subscribe to Speaker Boehner's verdict that if jobs are lost in this continuing resolution, so be it," Pelosi said. "Maybe so be it for him. But not so be it for the people who are losing their jobs."

My suggestion to Pelosi’s army of government bureaucrats is to get another job. The taxpayer’s teat is dried up. You parasites have killed the host.

Source: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2011/02/15/boehner-if-some-federal-workers-lose-jobs-because-of-gop-cuts-so-be-it/

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