Thursday, February 17, 2011
Wisconsin Protesters More Greek Than Egyptian
Union protesters crowded Wisconsin’s state capitol for a second straight day. Teachers called in sick, shutting down schools. The press and their vociferous, socialist compatriots would have us believe that the plight of Badger state public employees is the equivalent of the Egyptians. I say they’re more like the Greeks.
The example of Ronald Reagan comes to mind right about now. When the air traffic controllers went on strike, he fired them. If the teachers continue to neglect their duty, they should receive the same fate. There are a lot of prospects who would love to have a job, especially in this economy.
When the going gets tough, the Democrats spirit across state lines. This is reminiscent of Texas Democrats who played the same game a couple of years ago. They, like their Wisconsin counterparts, denied the senate a quorum; effectively cutting off debate and state business. Justice delayed will not be justice denied. Sooner or later they have to come home.
Wisconsin has a long progressive history and the election of a conservative governor is an affront to their socialist principles. WTMJ and the Associated Press reports the following:
Wisconsin has long been a bastion for workers' rights. It was the first state to grant collective bargaining rights to public employees more than a half-century ago. And the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees was founded in 1936 in Madison.
But when voters elected Walker, an outspoken conservative, along with GOP majorities in both legislative chambers, it set the stage for a dramatic reversal of the state's labor history.
Under Walker's plan, state employees' share of pension and health care costs would go up by an average of 8 percent.
Unions still could represent workers, but could not seek pay increases above those pegged to the Consumer Price Index unless approved by a public referendum. Unions also could not force employees to pay dues and would have to hold annual votes to stay organized.
In exchange for bearing more costs and losing bargaining leverage, public employees were promised no furloughs or layoffs. Walker has threatened to order layoffs of up to 6,000 state workers if the measure does not pass
We can expect this type of Grecian protest throughout the country. Obama and his union goon’s chickens have come home to roost.
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