April 12th marks the 150th anniversary of the firing on Ft. Sumter. The War of Northern Aggression lasted five years. It was the costliest war in American history in terms of lives and property; and it would end one of the most despicable practices known to mankind: slavery. But that is not the only casualty of this war; federalism and ultimately the U.S. Constitution were also mortally wounded.
The majority of our founding fathers knew that slavery was an affront to God, and that the American people would eventually pay for this sin. George Mason, a delegate to the Constitutional convention, was reportedly to have said the following, as quoted in the book
The Genius of the People:
The institution of slavery, as Colonel Mason said, like other great moral errors that a nation commits, like lack of compassion for the destitute, like behaving toward others nations or peoples without regard for the good opinion of mankind, brings “the judgment of heaven on a Country. As nations cannot be rewarded or punished in the next world they must be in this. By an inevitable chain of causes and effects providence punishes national sins by national calamities.”
And that punishment isn’t over yet. After the emancipation of the slaves, the 14th Amendment was passed to ensure that they and their progeny were given full benefits of citizenship, and entitled to due process of the law. This was a noble and righteous act. Unfortunately, that amendment has been abused by liberal judges ever since.
The Constitution was designed to put limitations on the federal government. Now, they practically have none. If you want proof of that, just look at our naturalization and immigration policy. Any woman who can make it on our soil and drop an anchor baby can have that child become an American citizen, thanks to the infamous Wong Kim Ark case; on top of that Plyer v. Doe forced States to educate illegal alien children at the expense of citizens. Again, the 14th Amendment was cited. Is it any wonder we are being invaded by the hordes from third world countries, when we have policies such as these?
And how is it that the Federal courts can rule against States and local governments on matters of religion, when the First Amendment clearly prohibits Congress and by extension the federal judiciary from prohibiting the free exercise of it? Why it’s the 14th Amendment of course. Everson v. Board of Education was passed in 1947. Now, we have the ACLU running wild on every municipality, parent, and child who dares to mention Jesus Christ in the public square.
The federal courts have no limitations when they can misconstrue the 14th Amendment to reach any judgment that fits their ideological bent.
We as a people are still paying the price for the sin of slavery. Instead of a plantation overseer cracking the whip, we now have federal judges and bureaucrats that have taken their place.