Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Thug-in-Chief Threatens Federal Contractors

We should have a new designation for the current office holder who is masquerading as President of the United States, and that is Thug-in-Chief. 

The Supreme Court ruled in a land mark case Citizens United vs. Federal Elections Committee, that corporations and unions have a First Amendment right to donate money to political campaigns or action groups.  The Thug and his fascist minions in the White House are seeking a way to circumvent that ruling.  Obama is drafting an executive order that would require any company who contracts with the federal government to disclose any and all political associations:

Government contractors are already required to disclose contributions to political candidates. This executive order would require the disclosure of any donations to independent groups, where conservative groups outspent liberal ones in the 2010 election.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said the executive order would stifle free speech.

“Democracy is compromised when individuals and small businesses fear reprisal, or expect favor from the federal government as a result of their political associations,” McConnell said in a statement last week, after reports of the draft emerged.

“So recent press reports about an unprecedented draft Executive Order raise troubling concerns about an effort to silence or intimidate political adversaries’ speech through the government contracting system,” he said. “If true, the proposed effort would represent an outrageous and anti-democratic abuse of executive branch authority. No administration should use the federal contracting system for campaign purposes.”

Of course the Thug exempted his favorite pets, the unions and anyone else who receives grants from the federal government.  These leeches are Democratic supporters and have no fear of retribution.

Hans A. von Spakovsky, senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, was skeptical of Carney’s assertion that the president was merely committed to transparency.

 “If transparency is the true goal, why isn’t the proposed executive order covering any outside entity that gets federal money? It only applies to government contractors, not grant recipients like Planned Parenthood,” he told CNSNews.com. “Public employee unions are also exempt from this order.”

Von Spakovsky, who was the first to report the existence of the draft executive order, on Pajamas Media last week, argued that the move would politicize the federal procurement process.

 Obama is a shameless partisan.  The Chicago way is not the American Way.

Source:  http://cnsnews.com/news/article/white-house-confirms-work-underway-execu

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