Thursday, May 5, 2011

Libtard Blames Terrorism on American Capitalism

I am amazed at times by the self-loathing nature of Liberals/Progressives.  A talk show libtard blames Islamic terrorism on the United States.  According to these idiots, we are the cause of the world’s woes and they want to dismantle our “Capitalistic” system with their bare hands, so they can save the brown people in other countries.

Of course, these morons have no sense of history, or self-introspection.  To quote Samuel P. Huntington, ‘Islam’s borders are bloody’.  Muslims have been at war with everyone since the time of Muhammad.  Either you accept their perverse religion or become a second class citizen; or you die.  Just look at what’s happening to the Coptic Christians in that new bastion of democracy:  Egypt.

I wonder what kind of third world squalor these two libtards live in.  I’m sure it’s better than the average American; or the brown people they profess to protect.

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