Thursday, May 26, 2011

Rep. Henry Waxman Scaring Seniors Again

Rep. Henry Waxman and his populist piglets are at it again.  They have embarked on one of the oldest tricks in their worn out playbook: scaring seniors.   A disinformation and fear mongering campaign has begun, and again it’s about Medicare:   

"We've had no proposal from the Republicans except in their budget they wanted to take Medicare away from future seniors by making it a block grant, and they wanted to cut the Medicaid program which cuts a big hole in the safety net for the poor to get their health care needs which means people in nursing homes would be dumped out of those nursing homes," Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) said on the House floor today.

Democrats have a great knack for kicking the can down the road.  They have no intention of fixing Medicaid or Medicare.  If the sick and poor do get kicked out of nursing homes it will be because of politicians like Henry Waxman.  Politicians like him would rather point fingers than fix the problem, just look at the prison system in California.  The U.S. Supreme Court ordered that liberal hell hole to release 33,000 criminals from the penitentiary.  Now that’s the fruition of Democratic policies.

The Congressional Budget Office predicted that in its current state, Medicare will go bankrupt in 9 years.  I wonder if seniors feel secure with the Democrats do-nothing approach.  If I were them, I would be as worried as a homeowner near a California prison.  

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