Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sen. Harry Reid Attributes Genius of NLRB to Founding Fathers

Obama’s National Labor Relations Board has fanned a firestorm.  Boeing, a Washington state based company, has had serious problems with the labor unions, and decided to open a plant in South Carolina, which is a right to work state.  The socialist at the NLRB are not pleased with this decision and have sued.

The NLRB has become a threat to all Americans.  Any agency that controls the movement of businesses can control its citizenry as well.  Senator Jim DeMint recognizes the seriousness of this lawsuit:

 Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) accused the agency last week of operating outside of the bounds of law.
”It’s clearly outside of the authority of this federal government to be threatening and bullying and trying to intimidate companies,” DeMint said of the agency's action.

DeMint joined with 18 senators on May 4 in writing a letter to President Obama condemning the NLRB’s complaint:

“If the NLRB prevails, it will only encourage companies to make their investments in foreign nations, moving jobs and economic growth overseas. America will not win the future if Washington penalizes workers in states that have discovered winning economic strategies,” said the letter.

Of course, the statist control freaks differ.  Senator Harry Reid attributes NLRB to the genius of our Founding Fathers:

Reid, however, said the NLRB is doing what it was set up to do.

“The Founders created a system of checks and balances — three branches of government, for example, and two chambers of the Congress — precisely because they anticipated these passions,” Reid said on the Senate floor.

“Long after that system was created, a new independent federal agency was created in the same spirit of checks and balances,” said Reid. “That agency is the National Labor Relations Board, and it acts as a check on employers and employees alike.”

We did have a system of checks and balances, until the 17th Amendment was implemented.  Now, the states are deprived of an advocate.  Populism rules the day.  Only a moron like Sen. Harry Reid could find a commonality with our Founding fathers and the NLRB.


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