Monday, June 6, 2011

Fareed Zakaria: American System is Parochial and Antiquated

Fareed Zakaria, a cable channel news host and reputed Obama Advisor, took his bashing America show from CNN to the Charlie Rose Show on PBS.  There he began his harangue on how Americans are parochial and that our Constitution is an antiquated document, unfit for the challenges of the day.

It’s amazing that this man became a naturalized citizen.  He wanted to come here. He actively sought to become a citizen; and yet, he wants to change us into something he escaped from.  Others from around the world would give their eye teeth to be here legally, and would gladly take the pledge to defend our Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic; the same pledge Fareed Zararia made on the day he became a naturalized citizen.

One wonders why this man would espouse these views. And it all makes sense when you find out that his father is a radical imam.  Now you know.   

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