Monday, June 13, 2011

Gov. Perdue Fears Generational Damage to Out of Work Democratic Politicians

Governor Beverly Perdue vetoed the General Assembly's budget; the first time in the history of North Carolina.  And of course it’s all in the name of the children:

"This budget results in generational damage, to tear at the very fibers that's made this state strong," Perdue said. "Not only our schools and our universities and community colleges are damaged, but also our communities, our environment, our public safety system and our ability to care for those who need us the most."

The dirty little secret is that N.C. Democrats bequeath plum positions in the university system to their family, friends and defeated politicians.  Here are a few examples of well connected Tar Heels that have benefitted from patronage:

Erskine Bowles, who served the Clinton Administration and lost his bid for the U.S. Senate, received gainful employment as president of UNC.

Mary Easley, the wife of Governor Mike Easley, worked in the provost’s office of N.C. State

John Edwards, who served as U.S. Senator, and lost his bid as Vice President of the United States, became founding director of the UNC Center on Poverty.

 When Governor Perdue says this budget would cost generational damage; she really meant it would cost generational damage to out of work Democratic politicians.

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