Friday, July 29, 2011

Obamanomics: America's Cure for Illegal Immigration

Who would have thought that Obama’s economic policies would be the answer to our country’s illegal alien problem? Jobs are harder to find, especially for those who are “undocumented”. Many Latinos are finding opportunity where there was none before: Mexico.

There are fewer undocumented immigrants in California – and the Sacramento region – because many are now finding the American dream south of the border.

"It's now easier to buy homes on credit, find a job and access higher education in Mexico," Sacramento's Mexican consul general, Carlos González Gutiérrez, said Wednesday. "We have become a middle-class country."

Now, if that isn’t an indictment, I don’t know what is. Mexico has become the land of opportunity, while the United States is sinking into third world status. It looks like Obama and his traitorous skunks in the DemoRat Party have accomplished their goal of retribution on American colonialism.

However, there is a silver lining to this exodus. The teat has dried up. The leeches are moving back to their mother country, undoubtedly looking for another host to suck dry:

"They're going back home because they can't get medical help or government assistance anymore," Frausto said, "And when it's getting so difficult for them to find a job without proper documentation, it's pushing them away."

Who needs a fence when we have Obamanomics

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