Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Obama's Ambassador to London Skips Great Britains Honorary Dinner

America’s closest ally celebrated Ronald Reagan’s centenary.  Great Britain unveiled a statue and held a dinner in honor of our late president and the special relationship between our two countries.  Unfortunately, the current occupant in the White House doesn’t share that same sentiment.  His ambassador to London didn’t even bother to show up to the event:   

But guests were left asking, where on earth was the American ambassador to London, Louis B Susman?

"Our ambassador should be here," said Lynn de Rothschild, the American entrepreneur who is married to Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and was one of Hillary Clinton's key fundraisers in 2008 as well as a supporter of several Republican presidential candidates. "This was an historic dinner to mark Reagan's centenary and to celebrate him as the man who ended the Cold War. What could not be more important?

"Why is our ambassador not here on Independence Day? No excuse. How is it that America is not represented in this room by our ambassador? It is appalling that no representative of our government is in this room. This has the feel of petty partisanship."

What a shameful act.  The only unveiling the Brits will have for Barack Obama is his collection of speeches he gave the Queen.  They will be enshrined in a dumpster.

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