Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Those Who Insult Muhammad Must Be Killed?

How many religions call for the death of someone who insults their prophet?  How many religions call for the death of an apostate?  There is only one that I know of, and that is the so-called religion of Islam. 

Shaykh Abu-Ishal al-Huwayni succinctly states that anyone who insults Muhammad should be killed, even if they repented:

Whoever insults the Prophet (PBUH), if he later comes and apologizes, and kisses the shoes (of the ruler), and says, “I want all Muslims, every one, to return and strike me with the soles of their feet” — does the ruler have the right to accept this?

I bring up this question, as it was asked of me. The answer is that it is not permissible for anyone to accept this. Then what do we do with him? We kill him! But he told you that he repented. We still kill him, even if he repents!

That interpretation comes from the actions of Muhammad himself.  He had a poet assassinated for mocking him.  Does that sound like a man of peace?  Should anyone consider Islam a religion on the same level as Christianity, Buddhism, or Hinduism?  I don’t believe we should.

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