Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Van Jones's Lie #1: America's Not Broke

Here is Van Jones, the prince of deceit, expounding his LIES to a bunch of gullible, ill-informed wannabe social revolutionaries.  According to this Soros toady, the United States isn’t broke.  Why, just look around at all the wealth in this prosperous country.  Never mind that it doesn’t belong to him or the federal government; after all, what are property rights to a Marxist.

Than the prince of thieves goes on to name a litany of villains who robbed the country blind.  Of course, you know it’s the “corporations” and Wall Street fat cats who caused this terrible mess.  But he doesn’t go into details as to why these companies got bailouts, or as to why they don’t pay taxes.  That’s because it has the stench of Washington D.C. all over it.

If you really want to know why the economy collapsed read this book: 

Reckless Endangerment:  How Outsized Ambition, Greed, and Corruption Led to Economic Armageddon by Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner.

  Maybe the authors should send an autographed copy to this statist pig.      

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