Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Fareed Zakaria: Utopia is a Parliament Away

If there is one thing I despise, it’s an immigrant who comes to the United States – either legally or illegally – that is hell bent on changing our county into the third world hell hole from whence they came. Fareed Zakaria is such a person.

Zakaria is an expatriate from India. He came to the United States legally and made a concerted effort to become a citizen. You’d have thought that this man would be more appreciative of his newly adopted country. But you’d be mistaken. He wants us to adopt a parliamentary form of government, because ours is inefficient. Now mind you India has a parliament. So what in the hell is wrong with this guy.

In the above video, Zakaria list a number of countries with parliamentary forms of government with AAA credit ratings. Of the thirteen listed, seven are constitutional monarchies. What the CNN host doesn’t exhibit in his harangue is those countries with the exact same form of government who don’t have AAA credit ratings. Can anyone say Greece or India?

The ingrate’s argument is that parliaments are more adept at addressing the exigencies of national import through a streamlined central power. But of course that kind of power in the hands of career politicians can be a disaster.

Zakaria wants the United States to become just like Europe. But the man from India is not being honest with his viewers; Europe has serious financial problems. The Federal Reserve bailed out numerous banks:

One aspect of the bailout sure to exasperate critics of the Federal Reserve is that almost half of the Fed’s top 30 borrowers were European firms.

The Royal Bank of Scotland took $84.5 billion, the most of any foreign borrower, while Swiss bank UBS got $77.2 billion and Germany’s Hypo Real Estate Holding received $28.7 billion in loans. Belgium’s biggest bank, Dexia, and France’s Societe Generale also took in loans.

Of course this is an inconvenient truth for the socialist at CNN. Utopia is not a parliament away.

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