Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sen. Jim DeMint Calls for Geithner Resignation

Now that the S&P has downgraded America’s credit rating, the chorus of GOP voices is calling for the resignation of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. The choir leader is tea party favorite Senator Jim DeMint:

Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) responded to the nation's downgrade at the hands of Standard & Poor's by calling for the resignation of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.

Saying "enough is enough," the Tea Party favorite pressured President Obama to remove his top economic official and adopt a new perspective.

"The President should demand that Secretary Geithner resign and immediately replace him with someone who will help Washington focus on balancing our budget and allowing the private sector to create jobs," he said in a statement. "For months he opposed all efforts to reduce the debt in return for a debt ceiling increase. His opposition to serious spending and debt reforms has been reckless and now the American people will pay the price."

Not only does Lil’ Timmy need to resign, so does Obama and his legion of czars.

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