Monday, September 12, 2011

Obama Violates U.S. Constitution Again

Barack Obama, a constitutional scholar and all around genius, just proposed a tax increase on the American people in order to pay for his “jobs program”:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama is proposing a series of tax increases, mainly on the wealthy, to help cover the cost of a $447 billion economic stimulus proposal, budget chief Jack Lew said on Monday.

Lew said Obama's plan would raise $400 billion over 10 years by placing new limits on itemized deductions for individuals making more than $200,000 a year and families earning more than $250,000.

The rest of the $467 billion in savings would come from raising a smattering of other taxes, including those on corporate jet owners and the oil and gas industry

A constitutional scholar should know that the president of the United States does not have the authority to raise revenues. Only the House can originate bills of revenue, as per Article One, Section Seven of the U.S. Constitution:

All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other bills.

I wonder what constitution Obama is a scholar of? I’m beginning to think it’s the old Soviet Union. That would explain a lot.


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