We’ve all heard the mantra: first Saturday, then Sunday. And this so-called Arab spring is fulfilling that threat. Christians in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya are being murdered and their churches burnt to the ground. The same is happening in Syria. An exiled Muslim cleric is encouraging mass murder:
(ANSAmed) - ROME, SEPTEMBER 16 - A Syrian sheikh who has been exiled to Saudi Arabia and has become one of the voices of the uprising against Assad, urges his followers, in television sermons that have been broadcast in Syria as well, to ''tear apart, chop up and feed'' the meat of all supporters of the current regime ''to the dogs,'' including all Christians. The fundamentalist turn part of the Syrian opposition is taking is denounced on the website Terrasanta.net, of the Franciscan Custody.
Is it any wonder that dictators are rampant throughout the Arab world? It takes a beast master to heel a bunch of wild dogs.

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