Friday, September 2, 2011

When You Get Caught Building a Mosque in New York City

The purveyors of the religion of peace have been caught trying to screw the taxpayers. They have filed applications for federal funding to build their victory mosque near the site of one of this country’s worst attack since Pearl Harbor:

An application to secure funding from federal 9/11 aid to build a controversial Islamic center two blocks from Ground Zero is drawing fire from critics who decry the move as insensitive.

"In November 2010, Park51 submitted several grant requests to the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, a New York state agency. The agency was established to help redevelop Lower Manhattan's economy after the 9/11 attacks," the proposed center, Park51, reports on its website.

This is an affront to every God fearing American. And I’m not talking about the one from the “moon” persuasion. Rep. Peter King is on the front lines putting a stop to this Islamic shadow dance:

"It is entirely wrong for any taxpayer money to be used to fund the ground zero mosque," Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., told "This is particularly true when it is being done in such a secretive way. This just further offends the memory of all those who were murdered on Sept. 11th."

Irshad Manji, author of "The Trouble with Islam" agreed.

"If Imam Feisal and his retinue want to know why they're not trusted, here's yet another reason," Manji told the Daily Beast. "The New Yorkers I speak with have questions about Park51. Requesting money from public coffers without engaging the public shows a staggering lack of empathy -- especially from a man who says he's all about dialogue."

Still the application is within the grant's guidelines -- which allow religious institutions to apply for grants "as long as the request is for a facility or portion of a facility that is dedicated to non-religious activities or uses" -- because it does not include the center's prayer room among areas that would benefit from the funds, the Daily Beast reported.

Secrecy and lies are the ingredients of Islamic supremacy. Vigilance is the anti-septic to this toxic ideology.

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