Monday, December 12, 2011

California State Senator Threatens Lowe's for Not Sponsoring Muslim T.V. Show

Its one thing for citizens to boycott a company because of a political or economic stance they have made; it’s quite another to have a state or federal lawmaker threaten, or introduce sanctions. A thuggish California state senator has just done that to Lowe’s.

Mia Farrow and Russell Simmons have called for a boycott of Lowe's on Twitter, with Simmons promising to "sic every civil rights agency on (Lowe's) until they straighten this out." He is also urging his Twitter followers to sign a petition -- which, as of 3:25 ET Monday, had 9,660 of the 10,000 signatures the creators of the petition are hoping for -- to urge other companies to advertise during "All-American Muslim."

Meanwhile, California’s state Sen. Ted Lieu called the Lowe's ad pull "stunning bigotry."

Lieu posted on his website a copy of a letter he wrote to Lowe's CEO Robert Niblock, calling for the company to apologize for its ad pull or face possible "legislative remedies."

"Lowe's action is bigoted, shameful, and un-American," Lieu wrote. "I call on Lowe's to rescind its action and apologize to Americans who are Muslim. If Lowe's continues its religious bigotry, I will encourage boycotts of Lowe's and look into legislative remedies."

What is un-American is having a state senator bulling a company, because they refuse to sponsor a television show. What kind of fascist mentality is that? Is it any wonder that California is the armpit of the country when they have authoritarians like Sen. Lieu running the show?


1 comment:

  1. Lowe's has every right to sponsor whatever they deem advantageous to their company. How dare anyone suggest otherwise?
