Thursday, December 8, 2011

Obama's Climate Change Minion Threatens U.S. With Currency Tax

Barack Obama’s special envoy to the United Nations global warming conference told the press that he and the world’s oppressors are doing their damnedest to put another nail in the U.S. economy coffin. This band of conspirators is trying to pass a financial currency tax on the pretext that it will save the planet. The Washington Examiner reports the following:

President Obama's special envoy to the United Nations Climate Change conference said that a Green Climate Fund, reportedly funded in part through a financial currency tax that would hit Americans hardest, is "rapidly" approaching.

"We are in the international context going to be, hopefully, and I believe that this will be the case, rapidly setting up the Green Fund," Todd Stern, Special Envoy for Climate Change,
told reporters at the UN conference. "We will also be working hard to ramp up the funding that is supposed to reach a 100 billion dollars a year by 2020."

He added that "the Green Climate Fund . . . [is] an area actually which is among the most advanced in the negotiations." The global warming skeptics at the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT)
say that negotiators are developing a financial currency tax to help pay for the fund that would hit the United States much harder than Europeans. "[E]very time we import goods, every time we export our fine products (think jobs) we will do so with a climate tax skimming off the top," CFACT says, but "transactions within the Eurozone won't have to pay this new tax."

Stern wouldn't go into details, but said negotiators have worked "to find the right ways to mobilize to use government funding and policy to mobilize private capital to invest in green infrastructure."

Obama’s minion of tyranny has forgotten that treaties must pass the U.S. Senate. And that is where the global warming slayer is waiting for them. Senator Inhofe isn’t fooled by these charlatans.

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