Saturday, January 28, 2012

Obama Thumbs Nose at a Georgia Court

Barack Obama has once again thumbed his nose at the American people, this time at a Georgia court. A state judge ordered Obama to appear in the hopes of settling questions about his eligibility to the office of president of the United States. His lawyer filed a motion to quash, which was denied. Hearings began on January 26, but there was only one problem: Obama and his lawyer didn’t show. Instead, they sent a complaint letter to Georgia’s Secretary of State.

The Democratic Party has learned a valuable lesson. If you want to control the electorate, you have to control their Secretary of State. Minnesota was the testing ground for a George Soros plot that paid huge dividends with the election of Al Franken to the U.S. Senate. Now, they’re trying to circumvent the legal process by appealing to Georgia’s Secretary of State.

The American Spectator wrote about this mischievous plan to corrupt our elections:

The vehicle for this planned hijacking of democracy is a below-the-radar non-federal "527" group called the Secretary of State Project. The entity can accept unlimited financial contributions and doesn't have to disclose them publicly until well after the election.

It was revealed during a panel discussion at the Democratic Party's convention last year that the
Democracy Alliance, a financial clearinghouse created by Soros and Progressive insurance magnate Peter B. Lewis, approved the Secretary of State Project as a grantee. The Democracy Alliance aspires to create a permanent political infrastructure of nonprofits, think tanks, media outlets, leadership schools, and activist groups -- a kind of "vast left-wing conspiracy" to compete with the conservative movement. It has brokered more than $100 million in grants to liberal nonprofits, including ACORN.

Let’s just hope that Georgia’s Secretary of State isn’t a George Soros lackey.

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