West told almost 100 Floridians in Palm City on Tuesday that "he's heard" as many as 80 Democrats in Congress are members of the Communist Party, according to the Palm Beach Post.
The freshman Republican, an outspoken conservative and Tea Party favorite, is a longtime critic of the Democratic Party.
At the same event, he charged that President Obama was "scared" to meet with him.
"I really wish that, standing here before you, was Allen West and President Obama," West said, according to the report. "We could have a simple discussion. But that ain't ever gonna happen."
Of course the Marxist threw a temper tantrum. The Congressional Progressive Caucus doesn’t like being outed:

"Calling fellow Members of Congress ‘communists’ is reminiscent of the days when Joe McCarthy divided Americans with name-calling and modern-day witch hunts that don’t advance policies to benefit people’s lives," the co-chairs wrote in the statement on Wednesday.
"We hope the people of Florida’s 22nd Congressional District will note that he repeatedly polarizes the American people instead of focusing on their interests," the co-chairs added.
The co-chairs called West's comment "childish."
"When people like Rep. West have no ideals or principles, they rely on personal attacks," the co-chairs continued. "The CPC is proud to stand up for economic equality and civil and human rights for all Americans. Congress is having, and will continue to have, an ongoing debate about job creation, home foreclosures and the issues that concern working families. But we will not engage in base and childish conversations that lower the high level of discourse Americans rightly expect from their representatives."
I’ve got news for you two “progressives”: Joe McCarthy was right. He outed many communist during his day.
It’s too bad these people can’t be honest with themselves and the public. Here are a couple of examples of two “commies” trying to hide who they are:
Source: http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/220935-allen-west-half-the-dems-in-congress-are-communists?utm_campaign=briefingroom&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitterfeed
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