Thursday, April 19, 2012

WSJ Reaffirms Obama's Status as the Food Stamp President

The Wall Street Journal has reported that participation in the federal food stamp program has increased by 70% since 2007, and is expected to rise even further. This is very disturbing.

The Congressional Budget Office said Thursday that 45 million people in 2011 received Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits, a 70% increase from 2007. It said the number of people receiving the benefits, commonly known as food stamps, would continue growing until 2014

Spending for the program, not including administrative costs, rose to $72 billion in 2011, up from $30 billion four years earlier. The CBO projected that one in seven U.S. residents received food stamps last year.

In a report, the CBO said roughly two-thirds of jump in spending was tied to an increase in the number of people participating in the program, which provides access to food for the poor, elderly, and disabled. It said another 20% “of the growth in spending can be attributed to temporarily higher benefit amounts enacted in the” 2009 stimulus law.

In the meantime, we have democratic politicians and their surrogates spinning the virtue of dependency, while denigrating those who actually provide jobs. Here is Jesse Jackson hailing the food stamp president:

Here is Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D) trying to deflect Obama's dismal record on the floor of the House of Representatives.

Here is a chart putting his assertions into perspective:

How far will the democrats go defending Barack Obama? Apparently, there is no rock bottom for these poverty pimps.

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