Monday, June 11, 2012

EPA Chief Thinks Americans Are Too Stupid to Comprehend Her Genius

Lisa Jackson of the EPA thinks we’re too stupid to comprehend the English language. Our environmental overlord believes she needs a translator proficient in idiocy in order to communicate with the American people.

When asked to craft a headline about her tenure at the EPA, chief administrator Lisa Jackson questioned the American public’s ability to read at a fifth-grade level in an interview with the Guardian:

“In accordance with the law, we moved forward with sensible, cost effective steps at the federal level on climate, using the Clean Air Act.” And I would have a second sentence — see, I can’t write headlines! But it would be something like, ”The progress at state and local levels, combined with the federal level, does not obviate the need” — you can’t use obviate, it’s above fifth-grade level! — “does not obviate the need for federal legislation to address this incredibly important challenge for this and future generations.”

How is that government of the people, by the people, and for the people working out?

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