Wednesday, June 27, 2012
NRA Will Hold Democrats Accountable for Eric Holder Contempt Vote
Allegations are being made that operation Fast and Furious was a scheme to subvert our Second Amendment rights. And that the Obama administration was counting on the murders of innocent Americans such as Agent Brian Terry to invoke public outrage. This kind of scandal would act as a catalyst for strict gun control measures.
Democrats dismiss this as a preposterous conspiracy theory. But is it? We all know the totalitarian elements that make up this party. Is it so absurd to believe that prominent members of their party would conspire to take away our guns? Does anyone remember the actions of the Clinton administration?
The NRA hasn’t forgotten. And they are going to make damn sure that the Democrats hold Eric Holder accountable for his dismissive attitude to Congress.
The NRA jumped into the fray last week, sending a letter to every House lawmaker condemning Holder's "open defiance" of the GOP probe and warning that the group will be watching closely as lawmakers cast their votes on contempt.
Chris Cox, the NRA's chief lobbyist, also accused the administration of launching the Fast and Furious program as an effort to promote tougher gun control laws.
"The reason we support the contempt resolution is the same reason we first called for Attorney General Holder’s resignation more than a year ago: the Department’s obstruction of congressional oversight of a program that cost lives in support of an anti-gun agenda," Cox wrote.
The NRA's move puts intense pressure on some threatened Democrats to buck their party and vote in favor of the contempt citation. At least four Democrats — Reps. Jim Matheson (Utah), John Barrow (Ga.), Collin Peterson (Minn.) and Nick Rahall (W.V.) — have already said they'll support the measure.
Many Democrats are not happy that the NRA is weighing in on this issue. But then again, is anyone surprised by their protestations.
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