Sunday, June 3, 2012

Once Again, The Charlotte Observer Calls for Tax Increases for Their Favorite Pets

Barely a day goes by without the socialist scum at the Charlotte Observer trying to find ways for federal, state and local governments to impose tax increases upon the citizenry. It doesn’t matter what kind, because statism is their goal, and to hell with the rest of us. Here is the latest humbug from the Disturber:

Deep into last year’s legislative session, House Speaker Thom Tillis and Senate leader Phil Berger announced a budget deal after weeks of searing debate over education cuts and the repeal of a piece of the state’s sales tax.

But one of the juiciest pieces of the agreement drew little scrutiny or debate: a tax break for owners of businesses that will cost $336 million a year, one of the largest tax cuts in a decade.

Tillis and Berger, both Republicans, heralded the tax break as a “$50,000 exemption for small businesses – the backbone of North Carolina’s struggling economy.” But the exemption is not just for small businesses. There is no cap on the size of the business that can claim the exemption.

So the break will go to roughly 460,000 business owners of all sorts, including equity partners in law firms, doctors and dentists with thriving practices, even lobbyists who patrol the legislature. It also includes some state lawmakers who are business owners.

Each of those partners will be able to avoid state taxes on his or her first $50,000 of income – roughly $3,500 less in taxes.

And to underscore the constant advocacy for tax increases and expansion of government programs and expenditures, here is an excerpt from an editorial published a couple of days prior:

The Republican-dominated House could have done better. It could have done much more for schools, the university system, public health and state employees – and paid for it more responsibly by restoring a 3/4-cent temporary sales tax that lawmakers jettisoned last summer. That money could pay for raises for teachers – raises they haven’t seen in four years. Instead, the House has proposed an insufficient $250 one-time bonus.

Lawmakers should restore the sales tax and leave it in place for a few years until the economy stabilizes. The proposed House funding scheme means the state will be at this precipice again next year, trying to find a way to patch funding holes created without a revenue surplus or trust funds lawmakers can raid.

Teachers haven’t had a raise in four years? Who in the hell has! Many of us are underemployed. Many of us in the private sector have seen our earnings almost halved, and without any prospects of regaining what we once had. But forget about us, the Charlotte Observer’s favorite pets haven’t had a raise in four years!

Well, BOO F****** HOO!

How is it that a local paper can be so tone deaf? What echo chamber do these people live in? Maybe Taylor Batten, the editor at the Charlotte Observer, will raffle off a dinner date at his multi-million dollar estate, so as to have a better understanding of we little people. Much like the one Obama's "beautiful people" are throwing for the great unwashed.


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