Sunday, June 3, 2012

You Want a Compromise on Immigration Reform? Here is a Compromise!

The amnesty drumbeat keeps pounding away. Illegal aliens believe they have a right to stay in the United States and will continue to lobby for programs like the Dream Act, until they get their way. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) was asked about immigration reform by Journal Editorial Report host Paul Gigot:

Sen. Rubio said, “The first step I’m trying to make is to deal with children basically that were brought here at a very young age through no fault of their own, find themselves here undocumented … All I’m trying to do is to help these kids do right what their parents did wrong.”

He explained that if children graduate from high school, haven’t committed any felonies and came to the U.S. before a certain age, then the government will provide a non-immigrant visa that allows them to stay in the country legally. It would allow young people to complete their education, but unlike amnesty they would have to apply for a green card in order to stay in the country after the visa expires.

Sen. Rubio said his plan is not providing amnesty because “There’s a difference that we’ve long recognized in this country, for example, in the case of refugees, between the people who have chosen to break the law and be here illegally and those who were either brought here by their parents or by circumstances … When you’re eight years old you don’t choose to come to this country illegally. Many of these kids don’t even know they’re undocumented until they graduate and try to go to college.”

The common refrain seems to be that these poor unfortunates where dragged kicking and screaming into the United States by their parents. It’s not their fault they’re here, and we should give them amnesty so they can have their fair share of the taxpayer teat.

Fine, they want compromise. Let’s give them compromise. The following conditions must be met before an amnesty Dream Act can be passed:

1) The illegal alien parents who brought them here must be deported immediately

2) No chain migration is allowed

3) If a Dream Act recipient is caught and convicted of aiding and a betting an illegal they automatically lose citizenship and will be deported.

4) Repeal of Plyler v. Doe.

5) Repeal of birth right citizenship

The repeal of Plyler v. Doe and birth right citizenship is imperative. These two rogue rulings by the Supreme Court are the main causes of our illegal immigration problem. The first devalues citizenship; the latter is an affront to natural law.

And if the Supreme Court continues to meddle into Congress's constitutionally mandated prerogative of setting the rules for naturalization, then the 14th Amendment should be repealed. For it is this amendment the federal judiciary has constantly used to bludgeon states and their citizens with nonsensical rulings such as Plyler v. Doe.

Those are the terms. No consideration should be given to the Dream Act until all demands have been met.


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